ML Jones Case Study
Make A Lasting Investment in Your Construction Business
“Not only does [Eric] train you on this program, but he gives you the support you need to execute it yourself anytime you need it.”
The Daffern Mechanic Lien System
ML Jones is a specialty construction contractor in Tulsa, OK. Like many companies, they occasionally have to take a few extra steps to collect outstanding earnings for a project. Luckily, the Oklahoma Legislature has given contractors and subcontractors a superpower: mechanic liens.
When Paullei Tanner began working for ML Jones, the company had already implemented the Daffern Mechanic Lien System to collect outstanding payments on completed projects with success.
Typically, construction companies send one of their employees to a training with Eric Daffern to learn his Mechanic Lien System. As part of the Lien System training, Eric provides a comprehensive guide with instructions for using the System. The guide includes sample checklists, sample forms, such as Pre-Lien Notices, and more. The course also includes a free one-on-one consultation with Eric to help businesses implement and tailor the system to their business.
Paullei’s introduction to the Daffern Mechanic Lien System was a little different than usual. The managing members of ML Jones had taken the Lien System training from Eric, so the company had the comprehensive guide on-hand. Paullei was able to use the guide to learn how to successfully prepare and file mechanic liens. She had experience in construction and had filed on bonds in the past, but mechanic liens were new to her.
“[The guide] was laid out really clear with step-by-step instructions,” Paullei said. Even without direct training from Eric, she easily picked up the Lien System and began executing liens herself. “It’s so streamlined. [Eric] takes the guesswork out of it. [The System] lays out specifically what you need to do, when you need to do it, and why you need to do it.”
The initial investment in the Daffern Mechanic Lien System training proved to be well worth it for ML Jones. Not only did they save money by filing their own liens, but the comprehensive guide was clear and thorough enough for Paullei to learn the System independently.
How Does ML Jones Use the Lien System?
Paullei manages collections for ML Jones, so it’s a natural fit for her to manage their mechanic liens as well. In accordance with the Lien System, a pre-lien notice is sent for each project.
After just the first step of the Mechanic Lien System, Paullei has all of the relevant, accurate information she will need if ML Jones has to file and foreclose on a lien in the future. The information includes the legal description of the property, the Owner, the name and address of the Original Contractor, and other pertinent information. They put the return receipt in the project file and are well on their way to filing a mechanic lien before payment issues arise.
ML Jones typically files one mechanic lien each year. With the Daffern Mechanic Lien System, Paullei usually spends four to five hours preparing each lien. To date, Paullei has not had to file a foreclosure suit on ML Jones’ behalf. Luckily, filing the lien is all it takes to encourage partners with outstanding debt to pay their balance.
Support for the Lien System
In most cases, ML Jones can file their liens without assistance from the Daffern Law Firm. According to Paullei, “I only go to [Eric] when I need clarification on either ownership or legal descriptions. Everything else is cut and dry.”
An instance when Paullei needed to consult Daffern Law Firm was for an ML Jones client who purchased several sections of land from multiple owners. She attempted to prepare the pre-lien notice using court documents. However, it was difficult to identify who the Owners were and the legal property description. It turned out that some of the deeds to those sections of land were not moved into the new Property Owner’s name correctly. Daffern Law Firm recommended a real estate title attorney who could assist ML Jones with surveying the land and getting the correct legal description.
Because Paullei had done a lot of the work herself, the cost of the surveyor’s assistance was very minimal. She estimated that she has saved ML Jones thousands of dollars in legal fees using the Daffern Mechanic Lien System.
Success with the Mechanic Lien System
After using the Daffern Mechanic Lien System for several years, Paullei signed up for a training with Eric, just to be sure that she was using the Lien System to its full potential. She discovered that, with just the guide to lead her, she’d been following the Lien System perfectly for years.
Anytime she’s had a question about liens or wanted Daffern Law Firm to review it before she files the lien, Eric has been there for her. “Not only does he train you on this program, but he gives you the support you need to execute it yourself anytime you need it. He’s just a phone call away.” She also said, “He answers your questions in a timely manner, and he looks at any caveats or pitfalls to make sure you’re protected.”
Using the Daffern Mechanic Lien System makes her job easier because it takes very little time and lets her focus on the other important work she does for ML Jones. Using the Lien System has also saved the company thousands of dollars in legal fees and allowed them to collect the money they’re owed without costly court battles.
To implement the Daffern Mechanic Lien System in your construction business, you can take our online course. Your purchase includes video lessons from Eric, the comprehensive Mechanic Lien Guide, and two hours of one-on-one time with Eric.